
财务主管的办公室 行政司 & 商务




Students and families have payment options for tuition costs and fees. We are committed to providing excellent customer service to best serve our current and future students.


注册期 到期日期
04/22 - 06/02 06/12/24
06/03 - 06/30 07/12/24
07/01 - 07/31 08/12/24
08/01 - 09/08 09/12/24


Tuition and fees can be paid in a variety of ways.

财务主管的办公室, Lassen Hall, Room 1001.

  • Credit Cards/Debit Cards are NOT accepted for payment of Registration 费用 in-person
  • 现金, 检查, 钱的订单, OneCard and credit card 检查s are accepted for payment of registration fees. 请将这些费用支付给“CSUS”。.
  • 签证, 万事达卡, 发现, 现金, 检查, and OneCard are accepted for payments OTHER than Registration 费用.

Students have the ability to use Transact SmartPay to make convenient online payments. Follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. 登入你的 我的萨克州 账户
  2. 点击“学生中心”链接
  3. Select the "Account Inquiry" link in the Finances Section
  4. Select the "Make an 在线支付" button at the bottom of the page
  5. On the black menu bar along the let-hand side, click on “Make a 付款”
  6. You will see a box with all of your charges, which will have the total balance at the bottom.
  7. If you would like to pay all fees listed, 检查 the “Check all” box. If you will not be paying some of the fees listed, only 检查 the box of the fees you will be paying
  8. Select the correct term for any charges you will be paying
  9. 如果你在付款计划中, you may enter the amount you would like to pay in the Registration Fee Plan payment field
  10. When you are ready to 检查 out, click “Continue” at the bottom of the screen
  11. Select your method of payment 点击“继续”
  12. Check the “I Agree” box after reading the terms and conditions of the payment method 点击“继续”
  13. Check the “I Agree” box after reading Transact Campus, 公司. 点击“继续”
  14. Verify that all information is correct and click “Pay” button


  • Electronic Check (eCheck) using bank 账户 number and routing number. 免费.
  • 信用卡2.65% of total amount (Visa, Master Card, American Express, 发现).

付款s need to arrive at the 财务主管的办公室 by the due date, NOT by the postmarked date. 个人支票, 现金ier's 检查s and 钱的订单 should be made payable to "萨克拉门托州" and mailed to:


Please place sealed envelope with Name, Student ID number and payment via personal 检查, 现金ier's 检查 or money order made payable to "萨克拉门托州" in the dropbox located in front of Lassen 1001.


Students can create a Pin to allow parents to access their Transact Online Account information. This feature eliminates the need to share their SacLink username and password information.

Students – How to Create a Parent Pin

  1. 登录到 MySacState
  2. 点击“学生中心”链接
  3. Select the "Account Inquiry" link in the Finances Section
  4. Select the "Make an 在线支付" button
  5. On the black menu bar along the left-hand side, click on “My Account”
  6. Under the Payers section, click the “Send a payer invitation” link
  7. Enter the requested payer information and click “Send Invitation"



  1. You will receive an email that contains your Parent PIN login information and a temporary password
  2. 点击邮件中的链接
  3. Enter the login information and password provided in the email you received
  4. You will be prompted to change password to one that you will remember
  5. 点击“提交”
  6. If you wish to make a payment at this time, please continue with step #3 below


  1. 至: http://commerce.现金net.com/基督教社会联盟acpay
  2. Enter your Parent PIN information (username and password)
  3. On the black menu bar along the let-hand side, click on “Make a 付款”
  4. You will see a box with all of your charges, which will have the total balance at the bottom.
  5. If you would like to pay all fees listed, 检查 the “Check all” box. If you will not be paying some of the fees listed, only 检查 the box of the fees you will be paying
  6. Select the correct term for any charges you will be paying
  7. 如果你在付款计划中, you may enter the amount you would like to pay in the Registration Fee Plan payment field
  8. When you are ready to 检查 out, click “Continue” at the bottom of the screen
  9. Select your method of payment 点击“继续”
  10. Check the “I Agree” box after reading the terms and conditions of the payment method 点击“继续”
  11. Check the “I Agree” box after reading Transact Campus, 公司. 点击“继续”
  12. Verify that all information is correct and click “Pay” button


  • Electronic Check (eCheck) using bank 账户 number and routing number. 免费.
  • 信用卡2.65% of total amount (Visa, Master Card, American Express, 发现).

分期付款计划日期 & 2024年金额下降

The Installment 付款 Plan costs $33 and is available to all students (including non-resident students, WUE的学生, and those in the Grad Professional Business Program). Once a student agrees to the terms and conditions, tuition fees and campus fees are separated into 六个 分期付款.

视图 学费和生活费

This payment plan is June through November, and is available for you to sign up through June 14, 2024.

[1] 2024年6月12日*
[2] 2024年7月12日
[3] 2024年8月12日
[4] 2024年9月12日
[5] 2024年10月12日
[6] 2024年11月12日

*If enrolling June 12-14 , you must make your first payment when signing up


单位 6或以下 6.1个或更多
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $460.67 $673.67
总计 $2,764.00 $4,042.00


单位 6或以下 6.1个或更多
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $508.17 $755.17
总计 $3,049.00 $4,531.00


单位 6或以下 6.1个或更多
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $534.67 $800.67
总计 $3,208.00 $4,804.00


单位 0-21
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $1,212.17
总计 $7,273.00


单位 0-21
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $1,468.67
总计 $8,812.00


单位 0-21
Monthly payment on 12th (June-November) $1,685.67
总计 $10,114.00



Follow the 4-step process below to enroll in the Installment 付款 Plan:

  1. 登录到 the Student Center through your MySacState at www.my.基督教社会联盟.edu.
  2. 点击“切换到完整站点” on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Click the empty drop down menu in the Finances section, located between My Account and 金融援助, 然后选择"参加付款计划
  4. 点击“go” (>> arrows in the circle) then follow the onscreen instructions


  • You must remain current on your installment payments in order to avoid late fees and holds
  • Late installment payments will incur a fee of $15 each time you are late
  • Holds will prevent registration in a subsequent semester and the release of your diploma
  • Defaulting on a payment plan may result in being ineligible for payment plans in subsequent semesters
  • You may not sign yourself up for a payment plan if you have a fee waiver or third-party sponsor


财务责任协议 & 指令
